Data security is one of the most significant aspects that need to be taken into account when considering choosing forms of identification for servers. In the case of government agencies and corporations, this is even more important because of the amount of classified data involved. It is thus essential to develop a range of options and actions in order to reduce threats to project objectives and enhance security opportunities.

Government & corporate risk mitigation in the technology area refers to identifying new risks and evaluating the effectiveness of security processes throughout a project. Two-factor authentication is one of the best ways to reduce your liability, as this can ensure your databases will be free from intrusions and that the vital information of the agency or company is safe from threats related to fraud, hackers and identity theft.

The technology behind the SMS2 two factor authentication software can benefit almost any corporation, because it prevents your employees from accessing computer data before entering two forms of identification. Any government or business database without two factor authentication is at risk and vulnerable to a range of threats. Some situations lead to an increased level of risk and this generally happens with companies that use the services of temporary or guest employees, companies where multiple employees share the same computer, companies that have employees who travel, such as sales representatives and consultants, online banking companies and businesses that hire work-from-home employees.

When used properly, Citrix two-factor authentication can assist in making important databases more secure than previously when a single password was the only requirement. Regular passwords are actually an out-dated solution and extremely vulnerable for security breaches.

Two factor authentication software such as SMS2 is a growing technology that has been working for many government and corporate databases up till now.  Account holders of companies such as Google are provided with this type of security option. In most cases, the extra security password is sent via a token or your phone and you will have a couple of minutes to type it into the provided area on the computer screen. Implementing such a type of software can be an ideal risk mitigation strategy for both corporate and government agencies. Having a good knowledge of potential hazards that can affect a business operation or project is the first step to better security, so make sure you remain informed about new threats in order to be able to combat them efficiently.