What is Two-Factor Authentication?

Did you know a regular password is very easy to steal and even easier to guess? Two-factor authentication adds a second layer of security to keep bad guys out.

Two factor authentication adds more factors of authentication to your system. This means more security, better protection and overall safer networks. It adds another layers of protection well above a mere password.

If you’re interested more about the technology and idea behind two-factor authentication, here’s an awesome Wikipedia article about it: click here. There are many ways to achieve this level of security, though the easiest to maintain is to use physical or soft tokens. These tokens, which can be a physical device clipped to your key chain, a box on your desk or even a smartphone app. This in turn allows you to receive authenticate your right to the system using the password you know, and the new authentication key you receive from the token.

Get more indepth information about two-factor authentication here.

Why you need Two-Factor Authentication…

Technology is evolving quickly and with it the processing power of computers available to hackers and crackers. This means that even secure passwords can be stolen with relative ease. Believe it or not, an overwhelming majority of passwords used are ones such as “abc123” and “password”. With a password that is so easy to guess in passing, you put your children’s private information in danger (of being put out into the open), you risk exposing all your company secrets to your competitors and governments risk leaking vital secrets! Though most of the time it’s no-one’s direct fault: maybe someone saw you type your password or accidentally left it written on your welcome packet. Many people share their passwords, which is a big security risk, though with two-factor authentication it wouldn’t be a problem.

Two-factor authentication helps prevent bad things from happening by requiring two big things. You need to know the password and to have the security token. Without the security token, the password is useless. Let’s take an example of a school teacher. Lets also say this teacher uses a simple password that could become known to the students – “Password01” perhaps. But, she is also forced to use two-factor authentication that was enabled by the school administrators. Even if someone guess this teacher’s password, they will not be able to access a child’s grades, bullying records, nor photographs. Your administration and school is therefore safe and better protected.

Some schools also store medical data about children with disabilities, details about support for those infected or affected by HIV, and similar. As you will understand ensuring appropriate handling and security of these records is very important. School, and the staff at schools, are legally and contractually required to ensure that data protection rules are followed. Appropriately protecting data will ensure everyone is safe legally and safe from predators.


Read more about cyber security and how it effects you: Cyber Security – Not Just For Geek Anymore.