What is a security token?

A security token is something you physically possess, the possession being a second factor of verification that you are, well you. To prove that you currently possess the token it displays a unique changing security code that you enter alongside your password at login. The token might be a physical device or a program loaded onto a mobile phone.

Some require you to enter a security code first, 30-60 seconds or provide a one time use key when you press the on button. Most physical keys support only one security account, while a software token can often support multiple accounts at the same time.

Physical tokens …

One way to use two-factor authentication is to use a physical token. Most are about the size of a USB key, while a few are the size of a handheld device. It varies from manufacturer to manufacturer.

Most likely, a small physical token the size of a USB key is a good fit for your needs. Most of those are also made with a little hole or slot so that you can attach it to your key ring and easily carry it around everywhere. In the past, these were very expensive devices though currently they can be bought for a few dollars.


If you need security tokens, we recommend the good people at Gooze.eu who have very high quality tokens at budget friendly prices

Software tokens …

A physical token is not always a good fit for some businesses. In such situations, a soft token can be used. It’s the same thing as a physical token except you get the code on your smartphone (through an app) instead of a dedicated token device. This way, your costs go down to practically zero (since most people have smartphones anyway) and a soft token app will often support multiple accounts.

Paper is always an option …

When a phone, or physical device isn’t a possibility you can always setup and use a token printed on regular ol’ paper. This is a security matrix where you would have to match the rows and columns give to you by the system respond with the appropriate code.